City of Alcester
CAlendar & News
News & Announcements of hearings
Alcester Residents.
Starting this month, January 2025, the city has subcontracted with Qualified Presort Services to print and mail utility bills. This was done as a way to alleviate ever increasing costs of printing and mailing utility postcards as well as reduce labor hours. As this is a new process for us here at the city office, we realize there maybe could be errors in your bill. In the past we were able to physically scan each bill as we prepped them for mailing. This will no longer happen. If you notice a large discrepancy in your bill from previous months, please, kindly call or stop in the office and we will work with you to correct this. We are appreciative of your patience during this transition as it is also a new process for us. Rest assured the look of your bill will NOT be changing. The postcard will be the same as it has been for the past year. Also, as a reminder, with 2025 beginning, remember that January and February you will see your sewer rate change based on your water usage. This is standard and is how your sewer rate is set for the year. January and February water use is averaged and in March your new sewer rate for the year will be set.
Snow Alert Reminder
MUNICIPAL ORDINANCE 7.0508 Snow Alert. Such times as there is a snow accumulation on the public streets of two inches or more, or such times as the Street Superintendent or his or her designee declares that snow removal operations on the public streets will commence. All vehicles must be off the street once snow alert has been declared or owner can be ticketed or towed.
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Rubble Site Closed for Winter Season
Permit Required. It shall be unlawful for any person, firm, or corporation to erect, construct, change, enlarge, improve, move, or otherwise physically alter any building or structure regulated by Ordinance or cause the same to be done without first obtaining a separate building permit for each building or structure from the Authorized Official.
Dog & Cat Licensing Requirement
City ordinance requires the owner or keeper of a dog or cat aged six months or older to be licensed by the city annually. License fee for spayed/neutered is $10.00 per animal and $25.00 for each animal not spayed/neutered and is due to no later than January 31st, every year. Proof of CURRENT rabies vaccine is also required.