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2024 ordinances & resolutions

2024 Resolutions of Fees

(amended 7/2/2024)

2024 Resolutions of Fees - Amended 2/6/2024


Ordinance 2024-02 Mailbox reimbursement

Ordinance 2024-03 Updating to the International Property Maintenance Code, 2021 Edition


Resolution 2024-04 U.S. DOT Safe Streets & Roads Grant Application

Resolution 2024-05 Resolution amending the city's rate structure, providing for a surcharge for improvements to the sewer system, for payment of a revenue bond and yearly review.

Resolution 2024-06 Resolution giving approval to certain sewer facilities improvements; Giving approval o the issuance and sale of a revenue bond to finance directly or indirectly, the improvements to the facilities; Approving the form of the loan agreement and the revenue bond and pledging project revenues and collateral to secure the payment of the revenue bond; And creating special funds and accounts for the administration of funds for operation of the system and retirement of the revenue bond and providing for a segregated special charge or surcharge for the payment of the bonds

ORDINANCE 2024-07 An Ordinance of the City of Alcester, SD, amending the revised municipal ordinances City of Alcester, South Dakota by amending Chapter 8.01 General Provisions.

Ordinance 2024-08 Amending Animal Ordinance

Resolution 2024-09 IM28 Opposition

Resolution 2024-10 Special Maintenance Fee

Resolution 2024-11 Extending Water Surcharge

Resolution 2024-12 Transportation Alternative Grant

Resolution 2024-13 Approving Special Assessment Roll For Nuisance Abatements

Resolution 2024-14 Authorizing the Assignment of Paying Agent and Bond Registrar Designation

2025 Appropriations Ordinance

Resolution 2024-17 Adopting Pre-Disaster Mitigation Plan 

Resolution 2024-18 Environmental Certifying Officer

Ordinance 2024-19 Flood Damage Prevention

Ordinance 2024-20, 2024 Supplemental Appropriations

Resolution 2024-21 Authorizing Application for Financial Assistance

Resolution 2024-22 Annex Property Contiguous to the City of Alcester Upon Receipt of Petition for Voluntary Annexation

City of Alcester

PO Box 318,

500 Dakota Street

Alcester, SD 57001

City Office Hours: Mon-Thurs 8am - 5pm, Fri 8am - 12pm

City Office: 605-934-2851

Clubhouse Grille, Morningside Event Center, & Alcester Golf Course: 605-934-1839

DISCLAIMER: The City of Alcester attempts to keep all information on this website current. However, there are instances where fees, rates, ordinances or policies may have been changed, and updates not made on the website. The City of Alcester's current ordinances, policies, fees and rates are always available at Alcester City Office and may reflect a change from those listed on this website.

©2024 by City of Alcester

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